Liking this and thank you for the shoutout!!

I do worry what we’re going to do when the electricity goes off and all of our books are on a kindle….

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Ah you're welcome!

Haha very true - I'll be there with paperbacks and candlelight ahaa 📚🕯️

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Excellent. I'll follow the light and come and sit with you!

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Lauren this was a really interesting read. I’ve noticed an increase of adverts about AI recently and your piece couldn’t be more timely!

Like you say, I don’t think AI will ever catch up with human creativity as it tries to create the ‘perfect’ version of things but I think it will be interesting to see how it integrates with other aspects of life.

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Ah thank you for reading and your thoughtful comment Emma - and good to hear it feels timely! 😊

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Appreciate this, thanks Lauren. I'm happy being an AI tinkerer - it's too important not to understand it. Let's see what ChatGPT 5 is like and whether it blows us away ;-). I'm excited about how it can help me save time as a solopreneur (love having a buddy to bounce off and give me ideas) and that we have access to the same tools as companies, but am MOST excited about how AI can help as a personalised AI health coach - tackling the bigger issues and chronic conditions.

I've had RA for 10 years now so let's see how I can use it to help me get that into remission. All the productivity stuff bores me tbh - let's look at the bigger picture here. If we use it to 'work smarter' will we do useful things or just fill that time with more work?

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Thank you for reading, Nika! I didn't even know ChatGPT5 was coming haha - sounds like you are much more up on this than I am! 😉 Really interesting to hear a bit more about how you use it well though, and having a buddy to bounce off can never be a bad thing.

A good point too on what we might do with additional time it could free up - I think it will likely fall to individuals to dedicate that time to intentional pursuits, because more work can always be found.

Wishing you all the best with the journey to explore how it could help your RA!

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Parkinson’s Law yes - work expands to fill the time. Be interesting to see if some form of UBI comes to fruition - and folks will need help upskilling. Health stuff - let’s see! 🤞

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Watch this space! ✴️

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