Great post and awesome suggestions. I read Marie’s book a few years ago. It really resonated at the time.

I love the Brene Brown suggestions. I have her books and keep meaning to start the podcast. I’ll start with your suggestions.

Round that off with checking out a sample of Figure and I’ve had a full morning 😉

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Thank you, Renee! I've recommended both Marie and Brene because I keep returning to their books over and over again. And recently, as I started my 3-day-workout, Breen's podcast is what keeps me company😂

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So glad to hear you're enjoying the recommendations Renee!

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I love your energy, Lauren -- and the thorough research you've put into this article. Thanks for all the great suggestions!

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Thanks Stacy - though all the credit for this one has to go to Jana as the guest author 😊

You might enjoy her Coffee Break Newsletter too! https://coffeebreaknewsletter.substack.com/

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YES! I already know Jana’s work 😊 How awesome it is to cross-feature each other’s talents through Substack!

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Oh fab!

Yeah really enjoy bringing all the connections together ☺️

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I love this quote: "“There will be times when standing alone feels too hard, too scary, and we’ll doubt our ability to make our way through the uncertainty. Someone, somewhere, will say, ‘Don’t do it. You don’t have what it takes to survive the wilderness.’ This is when you reach deep into your wild heart and remind yourself, ‘I am the wilderness.’”

Standing alone really sucks. And when a woman asserts herself as "the Wilderness" she is not going to be admired for it like Brene Brown, the author of this quote. Instead, she is going to be attacked and vilified.

Here's the thing the quote leaves out: if you are not getting attacked for the stand you are taking, you are not the Wilderness.

Sorry, but that's the painful truth. You can be popular, or you can be the Wilderness, but you can't be both.

Tomorrow I will drive an hour and a half to attend a meeting of the Austin City Council.

I will be sitting in solidarity with a group of Jewish people in opposition to the proposed "ceasefire in Gaza" resolution.

We will be shouted at and attacked as baby killers, genocidal Nazis, and worse.

We will be accosted with gruesome photos of mutilated babies, almost exactly like the photos I was accosted with when I was an abortion clinic escort. (You know you're on the right side of history when people are waving photos of dead babies in your face instead of trying to engage with you).

It will be very painful and very lonely. We will not only be standing against a very hostile and aggressive crowd, we will be standing up against the United Nations, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Ivy League academia, most of the legacy media, and authoritarian governments around the world.

But that's what it's really like to be "the Wilderness".

Jews have always been "the Wilderness" and their allies have always been punished.

What opinions are you afraid to express because you're afraid of being "the Wilderness"?

What people do you see being attacked because they dared to say the things you won't?

What are you pretending not to know?

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It's the quote I keep returning to when things get dark and harsh. What a power of words.

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I was just listening to Marie Forleo yesterday. She is a powerhouse! And I love that idea 'everything is figureoutable'. It's so true, even with something like a cancer diagnosis, we can figure out what's possible and how we want to approach it....

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I think it invited a different perspective and awakened the fighter within. It's one of the books that sits in my working area as a reminder that there's always one more thing that can be tried, I hope.

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Thanks for sharing Vicki!

This one is really now shooting to the top of my TBR list... 📚

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I often use Marie's phrase "everything is figureoutable" in my life! She is certainly a mentor for me - I've taken BSchool and Copy Cure. She's a gift!

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Look at us; we are very much like-minded! I am also a Bschooler and Copy Cure student 😊 She does not cover the Substack, yet when things get harder here, I often find myself turning to Marie TV for a bit of kick-up-the-ass inspiration.

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Hell yes Marie TV is always an inspiration! I love Marie's style! In my current pivot/transformation I am actually revisiting BSchool and Copy Cure. It feels different this go around. Did you take Time Genius?

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She's a great example of doing “the business right way”, combining earning money with philanthropy. I hope to do something similar with my publication — far away future/ massive dream.

I've been thinking about it, but I decided not to. I still took her advice and simplified my workload — hence, the Substack is my main focus. I can't spend that amount of money unless it’s on something that directly supports my following 3 year vision, so I am thinking about getting into small business coaching training 😊

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I did not either - I would like to, but I might be able to create my own personal time genius. Hello simplify workload ——- right there with you. I have struggled with that for a long time.

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So nice to hear of your mutual interests here! And sounds like I need to explore Marie TV :D

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Tag me when you do, I can always do with more 'time' tips 😌

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I love this interview format - I'm a sucker for anything in the least bookish. And - bonus! - 2 of Jana's 3 picks are already faves of mine, so I'm fairly certain the one I haven't read (Marie Forleo) will also be right up my alley.

I actually own a copy of Figuring, but haven't yet read it. I am taking this post as a sign that I should pull it off the shelf and put it somewhere handy - maybe the kitchen table - so I can start dipping in.

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Thank you so much for reading, and glad you enjoyed!

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Thanks, Jamie. It's more of a collection of recommendations than interview...You should definately read Marie's book-it's one of the greatest lessons and one of the key beliefs to navigate (almost) anything.

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